Getting to the top of Google in one area is no longer good enough to ensure that you are not missing out on valuable leads and sales for your business.

Take a look at the graphic below which shows how we optimised our business and website to focus on the search term ‘website designers’. Below shows the three areas of Google you need to appear in, Google Ads, Google My Business (maps) and Google Organic Search  results (SEO). It’s no longer enough just to be represented in one area like Organic Search, because as you can see below, you don’t get the Organic results until after Google Ads and Google My Business.

There is also more chance of people clicking on a link to your business if you are represented there three times instead of once. If your Google My Business listing is fully optimised and you appear in the box, your prospective client can instantly see how you compare to the competition.

If you want your business to be highly visible in Google and want more leads and sales, call us on +64 6 751 0075.