What is SEO

Search Engine Optimisation

Do the work once, keep getting paid for it.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, in general terms, it involves improving your website and your web content to obtain better search rankings and in turn more visitors to your website. A lot of SEO work is technical, in the sense that it involves the way your website has been designed and structured. The ‘Website Boot Camp’ is usually the first phase of an SEO campaign, and is often followed by an ongoing cycle of measure, analyse, and improvement.

How do we make improvements to SEO?

SEO improvements will usually require changes to your website. We will need admin access to your website in order to make the necessary changes to your website. If your website is poorly designed for SEO, it may need to be rebuilt, although we try to avoid this unless it’s absolutely necessary. In many cases, SEO involves a large one-off effort to get your website into shape, followed over time by regular checks to make sure that everything is working as it should. These checks are normally over quickly and don’t require a lot of ongoing investment from you unless you are in a particularly competitive market and need to stay on top of your game.

Case Studies

Improve Your Rank

Examples of how to get to the top of Google.

Case Study – Search Engine Optimisation

We currently provide SEO services for a large national organisation. Their website contains a large amount of very technical content related to the courses they offer. When we started working on their SEO, the website was ranking OK for a few major keywords, but many important keywords were ranking outside the top fifty. We restructured the content on the website to ensure that the content architecture and navigation made more sense to search engines. We also revised their meta tag strategy. This included handcrafting meta tags for the major pages, and defining a set of rules for automated meta tags on internal pages. We also increased the number of internal links within the website to reinforce the relatedness of the content on the site – something we’ve found is often overlooked by other SEO companies, yet can have a considerable impact on the ranking of a site. Over the months we have been working with them, the rankings of the site for a wide range of keywords have increased markedly across the board, which has resulted in a significant increase in organic traffic to the website.

Case Study – Content Writing

Good content is an essential part of search engine optimisation. Google places considerable value on good, unique content when ranking websites. We recently wrote content for a new website for a customer in the construction industry in Taranaki. We started by identifying the keywords their customers were most likely to search for and wrote content that was targeted at those keywords. Within three weeks after the website launched, it was ranking in the top ten for most of the target keywords, and in the top five for the most important keywords. Within another 4 weeks, all of the targeted keywords moved into the top ten.

Case Study – Google Ads

Google Ads is a service offered by Google that allows you to pay to place advertisements for your business on Google search results pages (SERPs) and on third-party websites. With Google Ads, you only pay when someone clicks one of your ads, which makes it easier to quantify the return on investment by tracking which clicks result in a conversion such as a lead or a sale. Strictly speaking, Google Ads isn’t part of search engine optimisation, but it can be a useful addition to your SEO activities in situations where your site isn’t ranking for the keywords you want. However, it can waste a lot of money for no results if you’re not careful and we normally recommend against the DIY approach for that reason. We have staff who can work with you to design an Ads campaign to achieve the best results for your investment. One of our New Plymouth website customers operates in several countries outside New Zealand. They wanted help to implement an Ads campaign for the UK market as a way to appear more prominently in search results for their targeted keywords. We worked with them to determine the best keywords to target (including negative keywords that they didn’t want to trigger their ads). We also helped them prepare advertisement copy that was designed to be relevant to their keywords and advised them on how to identify which keywords were yielding the best results.

I Want to Rock

Rank First in Google

Ranking highly in Google is one of the best and most cost-effective forms of lead generation and customer acquisition. We can help you get to the top and stay there. Call for a chat, or flick us an email if you prefer.

Call Now 06 751 0075info@moxwai.com

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